What a year... and a half!

Borrowed from Ohh Deer

I haven't blogged in well over a year. So much has happened (including losing my regular website and having to start a new blog).

December 2019: We took in a foster child, we'll call her N, (who happened to also be one of our daughter's friends). Then we had to deal with the department of child safety (DOCS), who decided they didn't like us because N self-placed with us because she wasn't happy in her placement and they refused to move her (despite the fact that they are supposed to if a child isn't happy where they are). Dealing with them for well over a year has been a nightmare and took up more of my time than I ever expected.

January 2020 - March 2021: Covid struck Australia and my mother passed away. 2020 was probably the worst year we've ever had. On top of dealing with DOCS, Covid, and my mother passing, my husband also lost his mother and then in July of that year we were told they weren't renewing our lease because the owner wanted to move back into her house.

That doesn't seem like a big deal, but the real estate market has been getting out of control here and prices have skyrocketed. Many people have been selling their rental properties, and because of Covid, people in the cities have been moving to more regional areas like ours. That has caused a housing crisis here (and, well, everywhere in Australia). Every house listed for rent had 20+ applicants, and even after a year of searching, we still hadn't found a place to live.

April 2021 to present: The day came and we still hadn't found a place, so we were forced into homelessness. Since April of this year, we've been living in a tent at a caravan park. It's been quite the adventure, but we're over it. (Though I've got lots of fun stories to share, so I'll do that in future posts.)

It has become obvious that the likelihood of us getting a house any time soon is slim, so we've decided to take my FIL up on his offer to move into the family home, which is sitting empty at the moment. The only thing is we have to leave the area we love to move to an area we're not too fond of. It was very upsetting to all of us at the start, but we're trying to see the upside...

We'll be on a fairly large property, so I'll be able to have the hobby farm I've always wanted. My husband and FIL plan to build a forge so that my husband can learn blacksmithing, which is something he's wanted to do for years. Plus we'll live closer to everything, so my daughter can get more into cosplay and take courses for things she wants to do. So in that respect, it's going to work out really well for us.

Now it's a waiting game. We've gotten our first Covid shot, and we get our second the first week of November. After that, we just have to wait until my FIL is able to get up here to help us move.

Wish us luck!


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