I've Been Hacked!

Borrowed from Points: Data & Society

One of the things I left out of my last post (because it's something I'm still very upset about) is that I was hacked!

Sometime during the last year or so, someone hacked into my cloud storage and deleted all of my books, book covers and website images. Nothing else was touched, so it's obvious that it was someone who had a grudge towards me as an author.

I'm not sure who or why, because I wasn't aware of having any enemies (so to speak), but it's the only possibility I can think of.

What makes it worse is that when I logged on to my computer for the first time in forever, instead of the files on my computer updating my cloud and returning my erased files to where they should have been, the sync deleted the files from my computer. 

So I lost everything... 😭

As far as everything I'd already published, it wasn't that big of a deal. I can download the files I need from other platforms. Unfortunately, all of my unpublished work is lost and I can't get it back.

Oh, and I had everything saved on a USB drive as well, but it was lost when we moved out of the house. I thought I had put it in my computer bag, but it's not there. It might still be packed somewhere in storage, but that's less likely. I think it probably fell out somewhere and it's gone forever as well.

So I've got four stories I've done work on that is lost and I'll have to start again on all of them... and that includes the last episode of Shadow Stalker which was basically done and being edited. As as result, I've come up with a new plan for Shadow Stalker, but I'll write more about that later...


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